Monday, December 24, 2012

Nemo's life history - 2011 till 2012

Assalamualaikum .
Hye friends . :)

Hari tu dh janji nk buat entry tntg Nemo , apa jadi kat dia ? Dh hilg atau mati ka ? :O
Meh baca kisah dia .

2011 - Last entry about her , yg nih :

Alhamdulillah , sihat walafiat jek till 2012 .

Kisah 2012 pulak ..

2012 - Bulan 1 } 
         - Bulan 2 }  
         - Bulan 3 - Nemo is giving birth a kitten . I am so shocks k ! Bcoz , when the first
time I buy her n Elmo , the seller said , that Nemo n Elmo was a male . So , she gave birth to a 3 cute little kittens . 2 of them are died when their age is 1 week or more , I wonder . Hmm , then , the kittens left alone . :(
I do not know what is it genders . Hoho .I gave it name , Lilo . This is it picta . :D
It siblings colour is , Oh , I do not remember it . Tehee ..

Till then , it's missing . Uwargh !! Dh la , malas nk guna bahasa inggeris lagi . Asah tadi kan , try , ingat lagi ke idok bahaso inggerih nih . Hehe .

Bulan 4 - 
Bulan 5 - 
Bulan 6 - 29 Jun 2012 *Ingat jugak haku ! -
Nemo gave birth on batch 2 :3
So silentss . Haha , takde la , mmg tahu pun yg dia tu preggy . So on , dpt lh 2 ekor ank kucing . Warna dia 3 warna u olss . Tapii , dh hilang . Huhu . Asyik hilg jer ank Nemo ni kan . Hurm , apa la nasib . Nama dia org pulak , Cheese n Charlie . :D

Bulan 7 - 
Bulan 8 - 
Bulan 9 - 
Bulan 10 - 
Bulan 11 - 15 November 2012
Yaw , slps 5 bulan keseorangan . Cewah , ayat kaw kaw punya . Haha , Nemo gave birth on batch 3 pulak . Adoiyai , pe kisah ? Dh December nih , hilg ke ? hewhew . Beranak 3 ekor , 2 warna hitam , seekor , hitam + putih . But , yg 2 ekor tu mati . Tak tahulh , sbb d mkn oleh male cat kot . grr .. :( Redha je la . Tinggal seekor lagi , yg wrna hitam . Cute okey ! Till now , hidup lagi . Alhamdulillah . Same as Nemo :D
Nanti lotak gmbor si kecik tu yep ;) Namany Blackiey ..

Bulan 12 - Now . Alive . :) Alhamdulillah . 

Tu la Nemo's life history . Yesza ! Next entry nk hupdate psl Lilo , part 2 nye . Dh lama terperuk kat draft blogger . Hoho , wait for it ! K , chaww dulu . Babai . ^o^

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